The One About The Bucket List

I've been thinking a lot about what I would like to accomplish in my life, and I've come up with a list.

A lot of these will hopefully be done this year or next. (I'm all about crossing things off a list.)

-Pay off next semester's tuition

-Finish writing and editing Arising

-Write Surfaced

-Publish both books

-Have a section on my shelf for my own books. *grin*

-Finish "The Girl And The Coffee"

-Finish the unnamed WIP. ;)

-Finish College

-Earn Second Bachelor's Degree

-Begin making interest payments on student loans

-Pay off student loans

-Go on a mission trip

-Work a paid summer internship

-Earn a Master's

-Start teaching

-Finish reading the Psalms

-Read through the New Testament

-Read through the Old Testament

-Fill up current journal

So there you have it. There's my bucket list for now. I'll update it every so often and mark what's completed and what I decided to add. Until then, friends.



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