When the Writing gets tough..

Lately, my muse has been missing.

I'm not sure when it decided to leave me and dry, but I've been on a search for my muse for a few days now. I am restless and the muse will not be found. For months now, I've been knee deep in edits and rewrites for my second book, Underground, which was originally released last year, but after being a complete and utter flop, I pulled it from the digital shelves and embarked on a harrowing journey of rediscovering who these characters are and what they will accomplish.

I have now added 10,000 words to the original story, added and removed characters and done a better job of building the story itself. I know its better than it was, I know it is. So why do I look at my document and think it could be so much better?

Answer: I am a human being, and humans seem to do a really good job of doubting themselves, even when they are doing a legitimately good job. We look at our creations and we OCD them to death. Just once, just ONCE, I would like to finish a story and think, I did the best I possibly could, and look at it, its so beautiful.

The reason we humans like to make things and be creative to begin with is because we were created, made in God's image. And our God is so creative. When He created the world in six days, he looked over his creation and said "It is very good." He looked over everything he had made and said "this is good."

When God sent His son, Jesus Christ, to die for the sins of the world, it was like the end of a novel. The hero comes, and saves the day, but at the very end, trouble finds the hero and all looks dark and dismal. With Jesus' resurrection, the sequel was formed. Death did not win that day, and every time someone places their trust in Jesus Christ, Death loses again.

My overall point here is that when you feel discouraged about what you've created, or get down on yourself, or begin to play the comparison game, just take a moment to reflect.

God, the creator of world, the being that can speak light into existence, the voice that calms the waves, gave you this idea and the vision for it.

The hands that formed you from the dust of the ground carefully placed creativity in your head and gave you the resources you have because He has a purpose for you. Just like you have a vision for whatever you create, He has a vision for you.


  1. I really love this post. I ran across your blog a while back and am glad that you've started writing here again! As a fellow Christian writer, I appreciate finding that perspective somewhere else.

  2. Thank you so much Alina! I didn't think anyone read this little 'ol blog! :) From here on out, I hope to post at least once a week. God bless!



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