Currently// November

The last few months have been a wild ride. The semester is almost over and I am filled with relief. Thanksgiving break starts tomorrow and it is not a minute too soon. I miss my family, I miss the card games and chess matches with my siblings and I miss my mother's cooking. Oh how I miss my mother's cooking. But mostly, I just miss my people. I miss talking theology with my dad and everything under the sun with my mom. I miss watching the Three Stooges with dad, Gilmore Girls with mom, and countless, countless cartoons with the siblings. I miss the feeling of home, that these four people have my back no matter what.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow is only a dayyy awaaayyyy. Now then. On with the business of the post.

Currently...drinking coffee. Ask me which number cup this is and I will plead the fifth. College upped my caffeine tolerance. I don't have a problem...

listening to...DC Talk, which is basically a given. I've also been semi obsessed with tenth avenue north and pentatonix lately. Spotify for students, you guys. It's the best $5 a month you will ever spend.

learning...everything from psychology to humanities. but on a deeper note, learning a lot about God, and about myself. It's good stuff.

Procrastinating...folding my laundry. Ain't nobody got time for that.

Wishing...wishing I had motivation to write. When I have the time I don't have the motivation. And vice versa. story ideas and inspiration come to me at the most inopportune times. And I wonder to tell if something you love is supposed to be a phase in your life or something to continue with. Maybe...more and more now, I've been thinking...maybe it's time to let writing go. But I hate that idea so much. writing is so cathartic. I get to release all the pent-up emotions I feel. Or write them into a story. *smile.*  I think writing will always be a part of me. But at this point in life, I need to make a decision. To either fight for it, make time for it, to finish a book. shelve my works in progress and take a formal break from them. I can't deal with the in between any more. I am a writer who doesn't write. This does not compute.

Just now, I found the snippets of the story I had posted in September. and my fingers itch to do something with them. To plot and to plan and turn them into an honest to goodness story. But responsibilities must come first. I am an adult now. (well, at least I do a passable imitation of one.) And adults must prioritize. but...

*throws tantrum*



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