Ten Years from now....

"Where do you see you see yourself in ten years?"

Well...I'd be almost 31, (gosh, I got old.)

Where will I be? Six years out of college, still teaching most likely. The only question is where.

I'll probably be done with my master's, maybe a second bachelor's. I would probably get a second bachelor's in biblical studies, and a master's in special ed or higher ed.

I'd hopefully finished a few books, and have a total of five or six books finished and published.

But most of all...most of all, I want to be still be a follower of Jesus Christ, still looking for ways to brighten the day of those around me. Still be laughing, still be creative, still be writing, drawing, figuring out this thing called life. Seasoned in adulthood now, but still...still filled with childlike wander at the simplest things.

Maybe I'll finally be a missionary, be sharing the gospel in hostile countries, boldly proclaiming the name of Jesus. Or maybe,..

Maybe my mission field would be quieter, full of classrooms and reading time's and "here's my homework, miss meiers."

And that's okay. Because no matter where I go, God goes before me, and with me.



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