Praising when you can't stand

There are days when I feel alright, but lately, those are getting fewer and farther between. Church, something every Christian should look forward to and strive to fully participate in, is sometimes exhausting, and long, and the act of sitting, standing, sitting, standing, and then sitting and standing again is sometimes just too much.

So sometimes I sit during worship. I sit when we come in, and I stay sat. 

At first, I worried too much about what other people would think (big surprise there). Would they think I'm any less worshipful? am I less earnest somehow? Should I be standing, even through the dizziness? Shouldn't I be willing to make that sacrifice? And really, is it a sacrifice at all or any big deal? Christ died for me, and I can't stand for him? Seems selfish.

but is it?

What does the Bible say about what God requires of us, anyway? Doesn't it prescribe a certain way to worship? "Thou shalt stand or thine fellow worshippers may pelt thee with garbage and insults."


"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8)

Hmm. Act justly. Love Mercy. Walk Humbly with your God.

What if...the outward actions like standing while worshipping are secondary to the acts of the heart? Can you act justly and love mercy even if you can't physically walk? Of course, you can. So I want to be careful here, and this is why I stopped writing bible posts because I'm so afraid I will misinterpret something and lead someone astray, so let me preface this by saying that I didn't go to seminary, and I'm open to being corrected. BUT, 

it seems to this amateur that the Bible typically cares much more about the heart than the outward actions of a person. that was the whole problem with the Pharisees, right? They focused so much on rules and tradition that in many ways, they had lost the heart and compassion that God obviously had for his people. 

The Pharisees probably wouldn't like that I don't always sit and stand at prescribed times in the worship service. But for me, it's all about what will help me to have a heart posture of worship, and more often than not, if I'm pushing myself and my body past what it's able to do, I will be more focused on the extra pain and discomfort and may not remember that I'm in the church at all. I can't imagine that's more Godly than taking it all in, praying, and singing from my seat.

You're free to disagree with me, but my conscience is clear. 


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