

I had fitness class (RIP precious knee cartilage. RIP)

I discovered the wonders of being able to print wirelessly from anywhere on campus. This is a glorious thing, my friends.

And right now, I'm eating lunch and attempting to work on an assignment that's due tomorrow, but I'm stuck. I'm supposed to write five elements about my culture and describe them.

What are the things that surround me? what has shaped me into who I am. my faith, of course. Family, ditto. But what else?

Perspective. I've seen enough of life to know that it can change in an instant, and so we try to be thankful for everything, and not sweat the small things.

Work ethic, persistence, stick-to-it-iveness. It goes by many names. Determination. My parents very rarely look on something as a hopeless situation. There's always something we can do. There's always a bright side, something to be thankful for.

Creativity. It's always been encouraged in my family. Drawing or making something always fills me with a sense of accomplishment. look at that. I did that.

These are the things that make up my culture. Everywhere I look around my family, I see these things, in one way or another.

This is what makes us us.


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