Reading for 2018

So this year, much like last year, I plan to make reading more of a priority, and set goals for myself in order to better myself and stretch my mind.

As I mentioned in my last post, I've read 26 books this year, and I'm hoping to read at least that many for 2018.

2018 will hopefully be a little less....chaotic than 2017.

But if it is...all the more reason to spend more time reading and less time mindlessly facebook surfing.

it remains to be seen how exactly I follow the recommended categories in the Tim Challies reading challenge, but as it stands now, here's the beginning of my reading wish list for this coming year, which as far as i'm concerned, starts now, because Christmas break.

Counter Culture
Boundaries in Dating
Crazy Love-started
You and Me Forever
Lies young Women Believe
The crook in the lot
Romeo and Juliet

Most of these are entirely random and it's certainly not an exclusive list but I hope to keep adding to it. If you have any ideas feel free to suggest them!

for now though, I'll be nose deep in The Rouge Crew, the very last book written by Brian Jacques, who is one of my favorite authors.


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