2017 Reading

This time last year, I decided I wanted to get back into reading for pleasure. Multiple concussions had taken their toll, and reading had become laborious and difficult to focus on.
Coming across the 2017 Christian Reading Challenge inspired me, and initially, I only had a goal of making it to the first level, 13 books.
As it stands now though, I've read 26. That averages out to roughly one every two weeks and that may not seem like a lot but after five concussions, I'll take it. A few were from classes, so they were technically required reading, but I read them thoroughly and enjoyed them thoroughly.

I used the challenge as a loose guide, finding books I may not have otherwise been inclined to read, although I did not follow it exactly.

In no particular order, here are the books I've read this year:

Sovereignty and the Goodness of God.
The World Turned Upside: Indian voices from early America
A Woman God can Use
Delighting in the Trinity
Creation Regained
Wrapped in Red
The duckling gets a cookie?
We are in a book!
Hidden Worldviews
The Mingling of Souls
American Slavery: American Freedom
Common Sense
Becoming America
A Short life of Jonathan Edwards
Ben Franklin's Autobiography
For the Beauty of the Earth
The Hunger Games
Catching Fire
Don't waste Your Life
Anxious for Nothing
Seeking and Savoring Jesus Christ
50 Reasons Jesus came to die
Sense and Sensibility
A deeper Level
My life with Charlie Brown
Follow Me

These books come from many different genres, and I learned something unique from each one. Looking forward to many more books and lessons in the year to come!


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