Solitude, Oh Solitude...

Solitude, oh solitude, how delicious and sweet
do you become when I just need a treat.
A time to rest, reconnect and sit.
Ask me my favorite thing, this will probably be it.
Solitude, oh solitude, won't you be mine?
Away from the hustle, the bustle, the grind?

Oh solitude, dear solitude, where do you live?
On balconies, in coffee cups, a few moments away.
In time in devotions, starting or ending my day.
Solitude, sweet solitude, I come to you swift.
Burdened, worn down, I just need a lift.

Solitude, in fact, I may need you more than most.
Solitude, my solitude, to you a toast.
May you always be refreshing, renewing and mild.
May you never be a box to be checked or a task to be filed.
May you always be a place I can come to and see.
What I've learned, what should be done,
to take care of me.

Shannon Meiers 2018


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