
Showing posts from December, 2017

The Lights Are on but nobody's home

source My last concussion was June 21st, 2016. It was my fifth in less than two years. I am not the same, and I'm just now beginning to accept that. Some days, (most days) I forget where I parked my car, or I plan out my activities so as not to overtire myself. I watch out for how much time I spend on the computer and I adapt. I am just now beginning to feel as if I am coming back to myself, like half of me was left behind for several months to hold down the fort and now the second half of my brain has returned to pull its own weight again. Unless you've lived with a concussion or a brain injury, I think there's a certain level of understanding that you can never reach about this type of injury. You don't know what it's like to go to Walmart and suddenly become terribly overwhelmed by the lights and sounds at the checkout and start crying because it's your body's only defense. You don't know what it's like to lay in darkness for hours at a ...

They will know we are Christians by our bumper stickers.

"They will know we are Christians by our love, by our love. They will know we are Christians by our love" - By Our Love, For King and Country I was halfway through singing along to this song on the radio when someone cut me off in traffic. Granted, I went out the day after Christmas, so that's on me. But still. I was appropriately peeved. The other driver pulled out in front of me suddenly and crossed into the lane next to me, almost causing me to rear end him. "LEARN TO DRIVE!" I yelled, startling my little sister who hadn't seen what had just happened. As soon as the words left my mouth it struck me that the last words out before then had been they will know we are Christians by our love . Something doesn't compute. " A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouths of fools pour out folly. The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and ...

Reading for 2018

So this year, much like last year, I plan to make reading more of a priority, and set goals for myself in order to better myself and stretch my mind. As I mentioned in my last post, I've read 26 books this year, and I'm hoping to read at least that many for 2018. 2018 will hopefully be a little less.... chaotic than 2017. But if it is...all the more reason to spend more time reading and less time mindlessly facebook surfing. it remains to be seen how exactly I follow the recommended categories in the Tim Challies reading challenge, but as it stands now, here's the beginning of my reading wish list for this coming year, which as far as i'm concerned, starts now, because Christmas break. Ordinary Counter Culture Boundaries in Dating Crazy Love -started You and Me Forever Lies young Women Believe The crook in the lot Romeo and Juliet Most of these are entirely random and it's certainly not an exclusive list but I hope to keep adding to it. If yo...

2017 Reading

This time last year, I decided I wanted to get back into reading for pleasure. Multiple concussions had taken their toll, and reading had become laborious and difficult to focus on. Coming across the 2017 Christian Reading Challenge  inspired me, and initially, I only had a goal of making it to the first level, 13 books. As it stands now though, I've read 26. That averages out to roughly one every two weeks and that may not seem like a lot but after five concussions, I'll take it. A few were from classes, so they were technically required reading, but I read them thoroughly and enjoyed them thoroughly. I used the challenge as a loose guide, finding books I may not have otherwise been inclined to read, although I did not follow it exactly. In no particular order, here are the books I've read this year: Sovereignty and the Goodness of God. The World Turned Upside: Indian voices from early America A Woman God can Use Delighting in the Trinity Creation Regained Wra...