Snippets of a story- Part two

Since today is my first day of classes, I hope you'll all forgive me a scheduled post.

I thought I'd continue where I left of yesterday, with the snippets of the story that still has no name. :)


"You went somewhere else, are you alright, dear?" Betty, the nice old lady who had played organ at the church for my dad for the past eon had possession of my left arm, as of she'd be able to keep me from falling if I toppled,

I took a deep breath and tried to ignore all the people around me, and just focus on breathing.
"Maybe I'd better take it from here." my big brother Caleb whispered in my ear. I nodded and let Betty lead my back to her seat. But just before I turned around to sit, I saw something. Two people standing in the back of the church. A tall, willowy man and a petite woman. It couldn't be, It wasn't possible.

Or maybe...maybe it was possible and my suspicions had been right all along.

                                                    Chapter One

                                                 Six months Later

Scarlet Rio James. I had an odd name, to be sure. I had never thought about it, really. Not until today, sitting here in one of my mother's best suits, giving the nice lady at the welfare office all of my information and all of my business. I was coming up on the end of the six month grace period to move out of the parsonage. I had done the math over and over, and I was running out of options. The only way to feed my family and pay rent would be to apply for assistance.

My brother had helped us as much as he could, during the first few months following our parents' death, but eventually he had to go back to his wife and baby girl, on the other side of the state. He had offered to have us all move there, but I refused to subject the children to so much change so soon. Caleb said I was being stubborn. Our parents called this trait of mine "tenacity," but I didn't blame Caleb for being blunt. It would be so easy to let Caleb provide for all of us, to help my sister in law, Tori, with her new baby and finish my college degree, but for whatever reason, I just wasn't ready to leave our quiet little town. I couldn't help but feeling I still had unfinished business here.

And so, with a scant half an undergrad degree and a handful of job experiences under my belt, I became the major provider for my eight year old twin siblings, Christopher and Kara, and the baby, Grace, a year old yesterday.

After the funeral, I had adopted my three siblings, as provided for in my parent's will, but I had yet to figure out this whole adulthood thing,
And every so often, I would think of things. That couple at the funeral, whose figures uncannily matched those of my parents. Of the fact that the bodies hadn;t been recovered at the scene. Of the empty coffins we had buried.Only enough to secure their identity was in the car that had been towed away. Not enough to place in a casket. Certainly not enough to look at.

So...had it been them at all?



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