Oh no! I'm not conforming! Look away! Look away!

We have a problem that plagues Christians and "free spirits" everywhere. This problem (and dare I also call it a threat) has the potential to destroy all of our individualism and personal achievements.

Evidently, it's been an issue for centuries untold. It was evidently so prevalent in the early church that Paul made sure to address it in his letter to the Romans.

 "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will." (Romans 12:2)

If Paul was talking in today's terms, he might say. "Hey guys! Wake up! You can't live for God and still be the same as the rest of the world, it just doesn't work that way! If you don't let God transform you and your thinking, then you won't know how He wants you to live!"

Complacency has always been a tempting trap.

"Someone else will take that trip and help those people."

"I go to church, that's enough."

"I don't want to be weird, I might scare my friends away!"

"Someone else will sponsor that child. I don't need to."

Isn't a shame that we as a society allow the media to tell us what to do, what to be, what to wear and what to say?

 What would happen if we all lived boldly and decided we didn't give a rip what media thinks of us?

What would happen if we followed our own paths and only pleased God?

 What if we stepped up and stepped out, and did things that aren't done?

 What if we wrote books? And directed movies? and produced music?

 What if we did things that used our God-given creativity without a thought as to how they may be perceived by the world?

 What would happen if we made things happen? Big things. Awesome things. World-changing things. We can only change the world if we break the mold and embrace our God-given individuality. Go ahead. Take some risks. Shock some people. Tell this world it can't keep you tied any longer.

 Don't be a conformist. Be a bold doer.


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