The Beginning of a Courageous Year.

In the past few days, I've realized that 2015 will be the year that makes me pull my hair out. The year that makes me bang my head against the wall. And perhaps the best year of them all. Because this year, I'm saying "no" to fear.

And I'm saying "YES" to courage.

This year, I took a deep breath, and started my first college class. Two weeks in, and I can already tell this new college experience will be a good one. But oh, so challenging.

This month, this week, has held so many quiet victories.

This is the week I achieved perfect scores on quizzes in two different classes. (Yes, they were open-book, but it still counts...right?)

This is the week I told God "Wherever you send me, I will go."

This is the week that I have told myself so many times that this college thing is actually worth it.

This is the week in which I had to teach myself to format a paper in Turabian Style.

All in all, a good week indeed.


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