The Write Path.

"Where do you go to school?"

I have been asked that question all my life.

And the answer always gave people pause.

"I'm home-schooled."

Now that I've graduated, the question is the same, and the answer is more shocking.

"I'm taking a semester off."

I agonized for weeks and weeks, wondering if I was doing the right thing. Would it really be worth it to lose a semester of staring at textbooks for much of the day? What if what I planned to do instead (finish my second novel) didn't pan out, or i failed miserably, and I wished I hadn't given it a try?

Well, let me tell you something.

This week, almost all of my friends posted pictures of themselves on their first day back to school. My first thought was, of course: "Is it that time already?" My second thought was: "That should be me."

And yet...I didn't really think so. It was merely my way of wondering if I was doing the right thing by going against the grain. Because going to college is the done thing, doncha know.

And it is the done thing. For many people it's the right thing. And that's totally okay.

But not me.

Not (write) now.

I have decided to jump in with both feet into the wonderful world of noveling, breathing my heart and soul into stories of my own creation and releasing them into the wind, ready to be read.

Yes, I'm sitting at a desk all day, every day.

Yes, I do a LOT of reading. But this is different. This is me.

Write. Now.


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