Wearer of many hats.

As I write this, I have about a million things on my to-do list. I believe that this is quite possibly the busiest I've ever been in my life.

I'm a student, in my junior year of highschool,

I'm a mentor to a sweet girl,

I'm a staff writer on RTF

co-owner of Refined As Gold,

Chief Operating Officer of the non-profit, Beads Of Hope

I volunteer in my church's Special Need's and Preschool ministries,

I'm on my youthgroup's Student Leadership Team.

To say I'm busy would be the understatement of the year.

Does this look like your schedule?

Do you feel like you're being stretched 12 different ways, and eventually, you're just going to snap?

Yes, I'm quite the busy teenager.

And yes, I'm quite often stressed out.

 But the secret to my elasticity is Jesus.

 Quite often, when I'm getting stressed out about essays, homework, Creative Writing assignments, chores, and my various responsibilities, I will flip open my bible to a psalm. I will read. and breathe. and pray. And figure out a game-plan for accomplishing everything that I want/need to do.

So my challenge to you is to take a few minutes, go read a chapter in psalms, (23 is my favorite,) and spend some time connecting with your Lord and Savior. I promise that when you come back to your crazy life, you will feel much better.

 And one more thing; Jesus wore a lot of hats too.

 He was in his human form;


Student in the scriptures,




and Friend.

God knows what you're going through. No question that he felt weary in his earthly form sometimes too, but he often went off by himself to pray and listen to God.

 Who's example is better to follow than Christ?

If you want info about any of the links in this post, or if you want to tell me what God is teaching you through your crazy life,email me!


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