
Showing posts from February, 2018

Solitude, Oh Solitude...

Solitude. Solitude, oh solitude, how delicious and sweet do you become when I just need a treat. A time to rest, reconnect and sit. Ask me my favorite thing, this will probably be it. Solitude, oh solitude, won't you be mine? Away from the hustle, the bustle, the grind? Oh solitude, dear solitude, where do you live? On balconies, in coffee cups, a few moments away. In time in devotions, starting or ending my day. Solitude, sweet solitude, I come to you swift. Burdened, worn down, I just need a lift. Solitude, in fact, I may need you more than most. Solitude, my solitude, to you a toast. May you always be refreshing, renewing and mild. May you never be a box to be checked or a task to be filed. May you always be a place I can come to and see. What I've learned, what should be done, to take care of me. Shannon Meiers 2018

The Cupid Conundrum

It seems that the world of media is quite insistent on reminding me that I am single. Every sitcom, cartoon and commercial seems rife with couples wrapped up in each other.  And in a few short days is the holiday of which I am not fond. Welcome to Valentine's Day, ladies= the day where those of you who have a man will be showered with red roses and expensive chocolate, and those of us who don't will feel like hanging cupid by his bowstring.  Yippe. What's the whole deal about cupid, anyway? Who came up with the idea of a naked baby flying around hitting people with arrows in order to make them fall in love with each other.  Would someone please tell me whats so romantic about an arrow? Nothing says love like a barbed stick fired at your behind, I suppose. The thing that bothers me most about cupid isnt even the badly timed archery. It's his arrogance. He thinks that he has the perfect match for everyone on earth. Forgive me, but I would much rather put my trus...