One or Two Words...or three.

So for year's, a new phenomenon has swept the nation, to choose one word instead of typical new year's resolutions.

I don't always participate in this, although I have on occasion.

This year, I think it's clearer to me than it ever has been that life is so short, but its also incredibly unique. My life is not exactly like anyone else's, and everyone else's is not exactly like mine. If my form of adventure is a two hour road trip to see my best friend and her family, then that is my adventure. If I never travel like others, and never set foot on a foreign mission field, I am an adventurer and a missionary nonetheless.

From this knowledge comes my first word Content. This year, I'm making an intentional effort to look for opportunities right where I am. If I believe God is sovereign, I must believe there is a reason for all of the struggles I've had, and all the ways my life is different from others.

Calm is my second word. Unfortunately, anxiety is commonly associated with concussion symptoms, and I am no exception. I'm working on making a conscious effort to combat it, made more difficult from the physical brain changes that result from a TBI. Brain changes or no, I'm working hard at getting it under control.

Adventure. My third one. This one less about character and more about experiences. I want to make more memories with people, whatever that looks like at the time. Spontaneous road trips, youth group events, coffee dates with best friends. fellowship is a beautiful gift from God and I want to cultivate it more this year. I want to explore opportunities to travel and have once in a lifetime types of experiences, because I want to, not because I'm filling out some checklist that's mimicking someone else's life.

I know I'm probably one of few people who could turn one word into three, but I couldn't decide. It's still better than naming unrealistic resolutions like never eating sugar again or something equally ridiculous.

So here's to you, 2018. May you be both calm and adventurous, (as contradictory as that may sound), and content as well.


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