An open letter to those who need to rest

Dear Exhausted One, You don't have to keep going at a breakneck pace to live a productive life. Sometimes the best times are the ones that society claims are 'wasted', but no time is truly wasted, because the so-called wasted time is what fortifies us and prepares us for the productive time. Rest is a vitally important part of our life, something that we are slowly cutting out of our society. More's the pity, because we are creating an entire generation that believes they always have to be busy. Every hour must be planned, college must be a time of working three jobs and taking twenty credit hours. That's great for some, but not for everyone. Some of us need our journaling time, and our music time, and our staring off into space time. If you happen to be an introvert, like I am, you need that quiet time just for your own mental health and energy, So to those who need that 'wasted' time, it's okay. it's needed, and if you have hobbies that yo...