

Little did I know, when I chose this word of mine, that it would turn my world upside down and ruin my life.

Of course, by "ruin", I mean "change and enrich beyond my wildest dreams" You guys. Things I've really never dreamed of before are working their way to the forefront of my mind, begging and screaming for attention. Things that require resources I'm still not sure that I fully posses. Resources like certainty, confidence, trust, patience.


The scariest trait of them all, courage itself.

If I want the life that God wants me to have, I have to be willing to step out and do things, instead of being content with sitting on the couch and watching life happen. I have to realize that not only can I not do it all, I don't have to and I shouldn't try. But the thing I can do, is what I must. I have to take a deep breath, hold on tight, and keep being brave.

"The only way we'll ever stand is on our knees with lifted hands. Make us courageous, Lord make us courageous." -Casting crowns, Courageous.


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