
Showing posts from January, 2015

In Which I bring forth snippets and shameful self-promotion

Hello all! I suppose I'm just in a generous/self promotion kind of mood,because I decided that it would be fun to share part of my new(ish) book, Underground, which you can purchase in paperback form on  Createspace . With no further ado, The Author's Note, an introduction to Asurga. Imagine for a moment, what would happen if your world as you know it now ceased to exist? What if your beliefs put you in mortal danger? What if you had to fight for those who were helpless? Welcome to Asurga, the only remnant left of an association known as The Council of Nations.  In the early part of the twenty-first century, the super-power known as America flourished. Almost everyone had an education and enough to eat. But other countries had significant threats looming over them. The people of Israel desperately needed rescued from their Muslim attackers.  The Council of Nations debated for many years whether or not to come to Israel’s rescue. By the time they decided ...

The Beginning of a Courageous Year.

In the past few days, I've realized that 2015 will be the year that makes me pull my hair out. The year that makes me bang my head against the wall. And perhaps the best year of them all. Because this year, I'm saying "no" to fear. And I'm saying "YES" to courage. This year, I took a deep breath, and started my first college class. Two weeks in, and I can already tell this new college experience will be a good one. But oh, so challenging. This month, this week, has held so many quiet victories. This is the week I achieved perfect scores on quizzes in two different classes. (Yes, they were open-book, but it still counts...right?) This is the week I told God "Wherever you send me, I will go." This is the week that I have told myself so many times that this college thing is actually worth it. This is the week in which I had to teach myself to format a paper in Turabian Style. All in all, a good week indeed.

2015: One Word

I have friends who have heartily embraced the idea of choosing a word, just a  single word, as their anthem, even a battle cry, for the coming year. One of these is  Rachelle Rea, who is EMBRACING the new year  with her one word. This time last year, I read the blogposts, saw the reasoning, and decided, that's not for me. I was, at the same time, fed up with my former way of handling new year's resolutions. So I went halfway. I didn't make the page-long list of years past, vowing in the coming year's time to erase all the bad habits and improve on basically every single aspect of my life. This year, I'm looking at the new year, a tiny girl lost in the fathoms of space-time, and I'm dreaming of what is to come. And I see big things ahead. My one word this year wasn't chosen with long periods of reflection and prayer. I didn't search through the dictionary for a word to claim. It popped into my head one day, and many times thereafter. Everytime I...