Bones in Agony

"Be merciful to me, Lord, for I am faint; O Lord, heal me, for my bones are in agony. My soul is in anguish. How long O Lord, how long?" Psalm 6:2-3

 One of the things I like most about the psalms is that they were often written in desperation, a raw cry for help flowing from David's pen as fast as he could move it. He wrote as if his very life depended upon it. A lot of us have visited David's place of desperation as well. when our souls are heavy and our strength is failing, when the thorn in our flesh and the bane of our existence rears its ugly head, our flesh gives up and our souls look to God for their strength. But it is then, as weak as we are, that we come to a place of total surrender and peace in Jesus Christ.

 Those of you with a chronic illness may well relate to this verse on a whole other dimension, as i did. When you have chronic pan, you know all too well what it's like to have 'bones in agony', and a 'soul in anguish'.  A broken-down physical self has a way of drawing your eyes upward. When everything is going wrong, God is the single, solitary thing in your life that will never change. David knew this well. In verses 6 and 7, he goes on; "I am worn out from groaning; all night long I flood my bed with tears, my eyes grow weak with sorrow, they fail because of all my foes." Psalm 6:6-7 Maybe you're there right now. Maybe you know exactly what it's like to lose sleep because of pain, to be frustrated to the point of tears because the radiating ache just won't go away. Maybe you know what it's like to be worn out from groaning. Maybe your muscles and joints ache to the point where it hurts to hold a pencil. Maybe your body is robbing you of everyday things that you could accomplish without pain in a former life, forever ago.
  If your eyes are weak with sorrow, turn to your Savior. The wonderful thing about having souls separate from our physical bodies is that our souls can't be restricted by our physical pain. There is always a God to be praised, prayers to be said, and concepts of faith to be learned. Your time of pain could potentially be the most spiritually enriched of your life. Turn your anguished soul to God and he will gently pick you up and wipe away your tears of sorrow.


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