Making the Grade

As Christians, our eventual goal or model of behavior is Christ. Christ is the perfect model because he struggled too. He faced temptations just like we do everyday. The difference, though, is that while Christ was fully man, he was also fully God, so it was impossible for Him to sin. Have you ever wondered why Christ? Why a human form? why both fully God and fully man at once?

 It's mind boggling/ And it's supposed to be. If we could understand why God does things, then he wouldn't be God. we are given understanding through the Bible, and anything not given in the Bible is not for us to know, or at least not in this world.

 But something occurred to me a few minutes ago- have you ever noticed how you tend to stop trying once you reach your goal?  Some little mechanism inside of you determines that it's time to stop, that the time for stretching and persevering is over. Otherwise, runners wouldn't stop at the finish line. Football games wouldn't stop after four quarters.

 "So what?"You might think. Big woop, right?

 Ahh..... But what if Christ hadn't been perfect? What if we had no perfect model to strive towards constantly? What if each of us ever reached the point where we had nothing else to achieve? What if we ever got to the point where we could honestly say; I have arrived?"

 Well, allow me to speculate a  little bit here. I think if we reached that point, then we would stop. We would stop trying to grow in our relationships with Christ and each other, because it supposedly wouldn't be necessary. We would have, hypothetically, reached the top of all the good that can be done in the world. And sooner or later, we would grow bored without the continual growth. Think of it like conquering the last level of a video game. Immediately afterward, it is extremely gratifying, but after that, we lose our interest. Interest is lost because there is no longer a challenge, there's nothing left to do. You've done it all.

 How great is it that God anticipated this, and accordingly gave us a perfect model, relate-able because of his human qualities, and rendered un-duplicate-able by His God-qualities. Life will never become boring, because there is always something to improve, some new thing to learn or discover. Life can be one big adventure if you look at it in the right light. Just consider all you could accomplish and experience if you used Jesus as your model!


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