Priorites and perspective

Note: This was written years ago, shortly after my eighteenth birthday. Try to take it with the appropriate grain of salt.

Apparently, with my recent birthday, I am expected by much of the civilized world to behave with a certain amount of responsibility and adult-ness. But how is this accomplished? How do I manage to get done every thing that I should do, as well as everything that I want to do? Well, I'm quickly learning that this is impossible. I have long been my own worst enemy, and no matter how productive I am, there's always something inside of me that gripes and insists that I could have done more, or been more, or done it better.

 Quite honestly, I could never please myself. Not completely. But here's the good news, I don't have to. I only have to please God. And even God isnt mad at me for not doing enough like I am. This is because God has eternity in mind, while I am still stuck on the here and now. Is it important that my room be clean? Yes. Will it in any way effect my ability to enter heaven? Not a chance.

 So as long as I have the right attitude, it doesnt really matter how much I do, but rather, how I do it. I'm only human. I have limitations. But God knows that. I don't have to try to be everything and do everything, that's His job.

However, I do still have to do something, and thats where my priorities come in. I can't even count how many times my mom has told me that the best way to manage my time is to have my priorities in order. And sadly, I'm a long way from perfect. But I'm a work in progress. That being said, most of the time I get a decent amount of school done before anything else, although I am never quite satisifed. I have been told many times and by many different people that I am hard on myself, and perhaps that is true, but I can't stand the thought of leaving something undone, or not done well enough. It's interesting, because despite my unrealistic goals of myself, I procrastinate so much that to get anything done would be a miracle.

I admit that I am still learning, but at least I have one thing down pat.

God first. #priorities


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