
Showing posts from October, 2011

Reaching Out

  A few months ago, I was in a place of confusion and doubt. I wrestled with trusting God in the midst of my various health problems. I was in a place of "why, God?"  Something was wrong with me. I was sure Christians dealt with adversity differently than I did. I knew something needed to change in my attitude. So I posted on my youthgroup's facebook group and asked for advice. One of the leaders told me that God would bring me someone who knew my exact situation.  At the time, I wondered if that was possible. After all, the certain things I have aren't exactly common. The odds of finding someone who had not only had what I have, but had conquered it, were slim indeed.  Or I thought so.  Turns out, God isnt limited by our doubts. He led someone I greatly respect to tell me about her personal struggles with her physical health, and the number #1 thing she said to me that helped me was to get closer to God, and come to that place of total surrender and t...

Wearer of many hats.

As I write this, I have about a million things on my to-do list. I believe that this is quite possibly the busiest I've ever been in my life. I'm a student, in my junior year of highschool, I'm a mentor to a sweet girl, I'm a staff writer on RTF co-owner of Refined As Gold, Chief Operating Officer of the non-profit,  Beads Of Hope I volunteer in my church's Special Need's and Preschool ministries, I'm on my youthgroup's Student Leadership Team. To say I'm busy would be the understatement of the year. Does this look like your schedule? Do you feel like you're being stretched 12 different ways, and eventually, you're just going to snap? Yes, I'm quite the busy teenager. And yes, I'm quite often stressed out.  But the secret to my elasticity is Jesus.  Quite often, when I'm getting stressed out about essays, homework, Creative Writing assignments, chores, and my various responsibilities, I will flip open m...