Reaching Out
A few months ago, I was in a place of confusion and doubt. I wrestled with trusting God in the midst of my various health problems. I was in a place of "why, God?" Something was wrong with me. I was sure Christians dealt with adversity differently than I did. I knew something needed to change in my attitude. So I posted on my youthgroup's facebook group and asked for advice. One of the leaders told me that God would bring me someone who knew my exact situation. At the time, I wondered if that was possible. After all, the certain things I have aren't exactly common. The odds of finding someone who had not only had what I have, but had conquered it, were slim indeed. Or I thought so. Turns out, God isnt limited by our doubts. He led someone I greatly respect to tell me about her personal struggles with her physical health, and the number #1 thing she said to me that helped me was to get closer to God, and come to that place of total surrender and t...