Self-Care or Self Indulgence?

This post has been on my mind for quite a while, but every-time I try to write it, something stops me. Because I desperately want to be understood, and I know that what I have to say may be somewhat controversial. Well, here goes anyway. I hate the term "Self-Care". I just do. I don't even know why, because I'm not against the concept, in fact I'm in great favor of taking care of one's self, which seems to be the hallmark of so-called "Self-Care", but I think the reason i dislike the phrase is that it seems to elevate relaxation to something that must be planned, just like the rest of our lives. If you google self-care, you'll find multiple internet gurus that tell you that self-care must be purposeful. Personally, maybe because I'm chronically ill, most of my 'self-care' is spontaneous. I decide what I need in that moment and give myself permission to tweak my day to give myself what I need. Maybe I'm tuckered out at 7...