Presently...It's been a long week, filled with work, homework, appointments, and Bible study. Presently...I'm trying to blog and there's a dog sitting on me. I'm going about my day and I'm grateful for less pain than last week, thankful for exercises and chiropracors. I'm looking at my new dog and I'm thinking, "Maybe there can be more than one best dog ever." I'm beta-reading for two authors, and I'm thinking how beautiful it is that God gave us the written word. I'm looking back on my life, and I'm wondering at the me I used to be. So timid, so afraid of looking stupid, so afraid to speak... So afraid. Too afraid. " for God gave us a spirit not of fear but o f power and love and self-control." 2 Timothy 1:7 ESV. But now I'm learning that I can only do what I'm called to do if I let my fear go. As one of my dear friends would say, let go and let God . So, if this post is a...