Teenagers: The Quandary Of Low Expectations
(First published on viewshound.com) It often disturbs me how much the world looks down on specific groups of people or expects less of them just because of their age or race. Take teenagers, for example. I understand that many teenagers are moody, disinterested in their families, and unwilling to work hard, and I apologize on behalf of them. But please, do not judge us all by a few sour examples. The lower your expectations of us as adolescents are, the lower we will sink to meet them. Your expectations of us will determine what we will become. If you expect us to be mature, intelligent, productive members of society, we will rise to the occasion. If on the other hand, you don’t expect us to be anything more than bums who get along with the lowest possible amount of effort and spend the majority of our time eating, sleeping and texting, well that’s what we will become. And as for you teenagers, you’re not off the hook either! The reason that our society as a whole...