
Showing posts from July, 2013


I've heard it said that if you're not moving forwards, you are moving backwards. And it must be true. it's like on a treadmill. You have to keep moving just to maintain where you are. Hence my decision to blog daily. Yes, daily. I was waiting till my life became that picture-perfect idealized version of life that everyone else always has and we never seem to maintain. But that's just not going to happen. Yeah, okay. This blog is a major work in progress. But that's okay. Because so am I. Oh, how I've missed throwing the words from my brain onto a nice, clean document and sharing my brilliance with the online world. But I have an acceptable excuse. I promise. Because this happened. Yup. That's my name. MY name. on a book cover. MY book. I'm an author. My life will never be less crazy than it is right...